Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Happy 40th Birthday, BigSexy!

Once upon a time there was a little boy named Zal Joel...

(look at the smirk on his face, what a lil' devil!)

and a little girl named called Celeste Anne...

(apparently my bangs have always misbehaved themselves)

And after kissing many frogs, bobbing for the wrong apples, trials & tribulations, misfits & mistakes they found each other. And it's GREAT! Life really couldn't be any better.

Happy 40th Birthday and Valentine's Day to my BigSexy, Zal.
*also known as Zalbert, Zalvis, Zalfred, Zally, Zalentine, Snal, Sully, Syndrome, Cook, Cookie and the odd time Lenny, but most importantly...DAD!*

You are everything I hoped for and everything I need, because you know everything about me...and you still love me.

I love you and appreciate you more than I can ever express. You truly are a good apple; the very best in the whole big ol' barrel.

Your BabyDoll.

4-ever & 4-always...taking care of business, because that's just what we do.

1 comment:

Anna said...

Yes, he is a good apple. I am so happy you found each other, and I love you both much and much (I love you a bit more than Zal, but maybe after Mexico he'll be a front runner?)